Life in the day of...

Happy Holidays 2006 to all. The year has just flown by. Our kids are growing by leaps and bounds. Xavier is 3 years old, and Zora just turned 9 months old. She's crawling, cruising and getting set to chase after her Big Brother who happens to be quite a spitfire and a bundle of neverending energy. We are grateful that both our children and HAPPY and HEALTHY. We hope and wish the same for all. LOVE, PEACE, FRIENDSHIP! B+V+X+Z

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Railroad Days

taking control of the rails. Posted by Picasa

Railroad Days

checking out the model trains with mom Posted by Picasa

Great Aunt

still don't have the smile thing down yet. Posted by Picasa

Brown Eyed Girl

 Posted by Picasa

Uncle's Little Girl

safe and sound in my uncle's arms. Posted by Picasa

Uncle Phon's Little Girl

Yummy. Give me more Uncle. Posted by Picasa

Uncle Phon's Little Girl

all strapped and ready to go. Posted by Picasa

Future musician...

let's get rockin'. Posted by Picasa


You're mustache tickles. Posted by Picasa

Children's Museum

The future Indiana Jones. Posted by Picasa

Children's Museum

Got water? Posted by Picasa

Children's Museum

my after school job. Posted by Picasa

Great Aunt & Uncle

so many people to love! Posted by Picasa